
Showing posts from February, 2021

Aloo tuk recipe | sindhi tuk recipe | how to cooking alu tuk ka chat | sindhi aloo tuk

Aloo tuk recipe | sindhi tuk recipe | alu tuk ka chat | sindhi aloo tuk  with detailed photo and video recipe. a traditional deep-fried snack recipe and eventually chaat recipe with small or baby potatoes. it is a traditional snack recipe from the sindhi cuisine which is generally shared as side or evening snack with a cup of tea or coffee. generally, it is made with small potatoes or baby potatoes which is crushed and tossed with a blend of spices. aloo tuk recipe | sindhi tuk recipe | alu tuk ka chat | sindhi aloo tuk  with step by step photo and video recipe. potatoes are an ideal source of snacks recipe across the globe. it is made as chips, wedges, fries, pakora’s, and even served as salads with mashed potatoes or boiled potatoes. one such easy and simple snack recipe from the sindhi cuisine is the aloo tuk or potato tuk chaat recipe known for its spice and flavour offering. well, many would easily embrace and cherish this recipe, but back in your ...

What Is Green Tea?

English language:- All true teas – as distinct from herbal and flower infusions, which tea lovers call tisanes – are made from the leaves of a magnolia-related evergreen tree with the botanical name of Camellia sinensis. Although reaching a height of 30 feet in the wild, on tea plantations, the plant is kept as a shrub, constantly pruned to a height of about 3 feet to enco…You would think that the definition would be self-explanatory – it’s tea that’s green. But that doesn’t really cover it.All true teas – as distinct from herbal and flower infusions, which tea lovers call tisanes – are made from the leaves of a magnolia-related evergreen tree with the botanical name of Camellia sinensis. Although reaching a height of 30 feet in the wild, on tea plantations, the plant is kept as a shrub, constantly pruned to a height of about 3 feet to encourage new growth and for convenient picking.Tea plants grow only in warm climates but can flourish at altitudes ranging from sea level t...

Cake Decorating Tips And Ideas , केक सजा युक्तियाँ और विचार, কেক সজ্জা টিপস এবং আইডিয়া

English language :- Everyone loves to eat cake, which is nicely and perfectly decorated. But due to lack of decorating skill ones wish is not fulfilled up to the maximum level. Check out for some cake decorating tips that can help to make your cake more delicious. Cake decorating tips and Ideas Baking cakes can be difficult but decorating them can be more challenging. While decorating a cake one has to take into consideration number of factors like flavor, texture and design of the cake. Its very important that you know from where you have to start the cake decoration. This article can help you with some useful tips that can help you on your way to decorating sweet masterpieces. Freezing a cake Freezing the cake layers for at least an hour and up to even a month in advance will make frosting the cake way easier, since it will create a firmer surface. To do this properly, let the layers fully cool, level them and then immediately wrap them with plastic wrap either individual...

Kung Pao Kaaramel Chicken / how to cook delicious chicken / chicken recipes / कुंग पाओ कारमेल चिकन

40 मिनट + Marinating सर्व करता है आसान खाना पकाने में कारमेल का उपयोग करना मैरिनेड और ब्रेसेस के लिए एक स्मोकी, मीठी गहराई जोड़ता है और इस चीनी क्लासिक के लिए एक अतिरिक्त आयाम लाता है सामग्री के   skinless चिकन जांघ fillets 4  कॉर्नफ्लोर 1 बड़ा चम्मच  सोया सॉस 5 बड़े चम्मच  सूरजमुखी या वनस्पति तेल 1 बड़ा चम्मच  सूखी लाल मिर्च 8  लहसुन 2 लौंग, कटा हुआ  टीएसपी बनाने के लिए सिचुआन पेप्परकोर्न मैदान  सुनहरा दानेदार चीनी 2 बड़े चम्मच  अदरक कद्दूकस किया हुआ 1 टीस्पून  चावल का सिरका 1 बड़ा चम्मच  तिल का तेल 1 चम्मच  भुनी हुई मूंगफली या काजू 75 ग्राम  वसंत प्याज 3, 5 सेमी टुकड़ों में काट लें  चमेली चावल या नूडल्स परोसने के लिए   तरीका  चरण 1  चिकन को काटने के आकार के टुकड़ों में काटें।  सोया सॉस के 2 बड़े चम्मच के साथ कॉर्नफ्लोर मिलाएं और इसे 1 घंटे के लिए फ्रिज में चिकन को मैरीनेट करने के लिए उपयोग करें।  चरण 2  एक बड़े कड़ाही या फ्राइंग पैन में तेल गरम करें।...

Krispee paanch-masaale vaalee saarika || how to cook delicious mutton masala || क्रिस्पी पांच-मसाले वाली सारिका

सामग्री के  चीनी पांच-मसाले 3 बड़े चम्मच  लहसुन 3 लौंग, कुचल  श्रीरचा 3 tbsp  सोया सॉस 5 बड़े चम्मच   बकरा का मांस बेली 1.5 किग्रा का टुकड़ा  बहती शहद 3 बड़े चम्मच  समुद्री नमक  तरीका  चरण 1  पांच-मसाले, लहसुन, 1 चम्मच सरसो और 3 बड़े चम्मच सोया सॉस मिलाएं।  मांस में वास्तव में अच्छी तरह से रगड़ें, लेकिन त्वचा नहीं, और कुछ घंटों या रात भर के लिए मैरीनेट करना छोड़ दें।  चरण 2  पकाने के लिए तैयार होने पर, ओवन को 180C / fan 160C / गैस पर गर्म करें। पोर्क की त्वचा को भुने हुए टिन में वायर रैक पर रखें और 2 घंटे 30 मिनट के लिए भूने।  चरण 3  जबकि बकरा का मांस भून रहा है, शेष 2 बड़े चम्मच सरचरा, 2 बड़े चम्मच सोया सॉस और शहद को एक छोटे सॉस पैन में डालें और कुछ मिनटों के लिए सिरप तक बुलबुला करें।  चरण 4   बकरा का मांस ओवन से निकालें और 15 मिनट के लिए ठंडा करें जब आप ओवन को 220C / पंखे 200C / गैस 7 तक मोड़ दें। फिर, चिमटे और एक तेज चाकू का उपयोग करके, बकरा का मांस से दरार को काट दें।  उ...

Make Grilling A Healthy Experience

Without a doubt there is something very relaxing and pleasurable about cooking and eating grilled food. There are countless ways you can turn your grilling not only into a flavorful and enjoyable way to cook, but there are also many healthy and tasty alternatives. Like anything else in life, what you put on your grill is a choice. Grilling healthy first means that you have decided to eat healthy. Cooking on a grill can be a great way to reduce fats on while adding wonderful flavor however we must also be careful when grilling as there can be certain risks if precautions are not taken. Eating healthy always begins with choosing healthy foods that are low in fat and using marinates to reduce unhealthy caseinogens. We know that charcoal grilling can produce carcinogenic smoke from the high temperature cooking of foods containing fat and protein. This can produce unhealthy chemical changes in the outer layers of flesh foods. To avoid these dangerous chemical formations we must ...

Know how Orange is a Great for Skin

English language :- Orange in all forms has been used to make great skin care products…nay make that a wonderful concoction for your skin. From the peel, juice to the oil you can use every by-product of orange to make a great skin-care recipe. It is being greatly used to fight diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, macular degeneration, diabetes, gallstones, multiple sclerosis and Crohn’s disease. It is also useful for clearing many of your skin problems like acne, wrinkles and aging. Following a healthy diet is very important for your skin. Our skin reacts to whatever we eat, so we should be careful what we dump in our body. If we keep feeding our body with junk it is bound to create problems. Many a times we tend to forget that we need not impose too many things on our body. Having fruits and vegetables creates a new path for better. Many may not able to have fun in life by just having fruits and vegetables. A well-balanced diet is what you always need. M...

When To Use High Heat On Your Barbeque

While some people really seem to have a knack for barbequing – always grilling up a perfect meal – for the rest of us, it is something that must be learned , not something that just comes naturally. Believe it or not, there is technique involved. It’s not just a matter of following your cooking instincts. One of the main secrets of knowing exactly how to make a beautiful, tasty meal every time is knowing how and when to use high heat or very hot coals. Social-media:- Facebook - Though you may have heard the term “seal in the juices” when it came to barbequing, you may even have tried some techniques every now and then, but unless you’re doing it properly, you won’t be getting it right. For the best results, many barbeque chefs cook vegetables and medium-rare steaks by first using a high heat in order to sear the outside of the food and seal both the juices and the flavors inside. Though this technique is good for foods that yo...